Logitech presenter spotlight plus
Logitech presenter spotlight plus

Logitech has come out with a new presentation device that the company claims can make all the difference for a presenter. And then there's shaky laser pointer syndrome. ("Let's go back to - no, not that slide, the one before that - no, I guess it's the one before - yes, that's it.") There's also the oops-I-went-too-far-hold-on-while-I-find-the-back-button awkwardness. Like when the staffer in charge of the slideshow gets clumsy. However, I have a lot of experience viewing slideshow presentations, and have watched presenters wrestle with the various types of slideshow embarrassment.

logitech presenter spotlight plus

I've been lucky enough (so far) to be able to avoid them.

logitech presenter spotlight plus

The few presentations that I've done over the course of my career did not involve PowerPoint slides - or any other type of slideshow, for that matter.

logitech presenter spotlight plus

First, let me admit that I don't have a lot of experience with presentation pointers.

Logitech presenter spotlight plus